We invite you to join the route tracing jeshivot in Belarus, which were very important places for Jewish communities.
Keyword "Volozhyn"
Pol. Wołożyn, Bel. Валожын, Yid.וואַלאָזשין
People come here to study to become rabbis, not only from different parts of Russia and Europe, but also from all over the world – from America, or even from Japan. [...] and the Jews here [...] do not chatter like magpies, in a foreign language; no, they firmly cling to their faith, customs, and tongue...
Wolozyn; sefer shel ha-ir-shel yeshivat "Ets Hayim"; Wolozin; the book of the city and of the Etz Hayyim Yeshiva. Ed. E. Leoni. Tel Aviv, former residents of Wolozin in Israel and the USA, 1970 (H, Y, E)