Sefer Zikaron le-kehilat Oshmana, Oshmana Memorial Book, ed. M. Gelbart, Tel Aviv, Organization in Israel and the Oshmaner Society in the USA, 1969 (H, Y, E)
Keyword "Yizkor Book"
Belz, Sefer Zikaron (Belz Memorial Book), editor Yosef Rubin, published by Belz Societies in Israel and America, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1974
Mayn shtetele Berezne (My town Berezne), Editor: G. Bigil, Berezner Society in Israel, Published: Tel Aviv 1984 (H, Y 182 pages)
Sefer ha-zikaron le-kedoshei Bolechow (Memorial book of the martyrs of Bolechow), Ed: Y. Eshel, Association of Former Residents of Bolechow in Israel, 1957
Ner Tamid: Yizkor leBrody; An Eternal Light: Brody in Memoriam; Edited by Organization of former Brody residents in Israel, 1994 (529 pages)
Sefer Buczacz; matsevet zikaron le-kehila kedosha (Book of Buczacz; in memory of a martyred community), Editors: Yisrael Cohen, Tel Aviv, Am Oved, 1956 (H, 302 pages)
Sefer Busk; Le-zekher Ha-kehila She-harva: Busk, In Memory of Our Community; ed. Abraham Shayari, Haifa, 1965; Busker Organization in Israel
Sefer yizkor le-hantsahat kedoshei kehilat Czortkow (Memorial book of Czortkow), Editors: Dr. Yeshayahu Austri-Dunn, Tel Aviv, Former residents of Czortkow in Israel, 1967 (H,Y, E, 471 pages)
Sefer zikaron Dawidgrodek (Memorial book of Davidgrodek), Editoris: Y. Idan, Tel Aviv, Former Residents of Dawidgrodek in Israel, 1957, (H, Y 487 pages)
Dubno; sefer zikaron (Dubno; a memorial to the Jewish community of Dubno, Wolyn), Editor: Y. Adini, Tel Aviv, Dubno Organization in Israel, 1966 (H, Y 752 columns)
Pinkus Zhetel (A memorial to the Jewish community of Zhetel), Editors: Baruch Kaplinski, Published by the Zhetel Association in Israel, Tel Aviv 1957 9H, Y 482 pages)
Sefer Zikaron le-kehilat Iwie (In Memory of the Jewish Community of Iwie), Editor M. Kaganovich, Tel Aviv, Association of Former Residents of Ivie in Israel 1968 (738 pages, Hebrew, Yiddish)
Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Jozefow ve-le-kedosheha (memorial book to the community od Jozefow and its martyrs), Editor: Azriel Omer-Lemer, Jozefow Societies in Israel and the USA, Published: Tel Aviv 1975 (H, Y 426 pages)
Sefer Yizkor kehilat Kozamyer de-Lublin (Kazimierz: Memorial Book), Editor: David Shtokfish, Former Residents of Kazimierz in Israel and the Diaspora, Published: Tel Aviv 1970 (H, Y 655 pages)
Kobryn; zamlbukh (an interblik ibern yidishn Kobryn) = Kobryn; an overview of Jewish Kobryn, ed. Melech Glotzer, Kobryn Book Committee, Buenos Aires 1951
Sefer Kobryn; megilat hayim ve-hurban (Book of Kobrin; the scroll of life and destruction), ed. Betzalel Shwartz, Israel Chaim Bil(e)tzki, Published in Tel Aviv 1951
Sefer Kotsk (Memorial Book of Kotsk), Editor: E. Porat, Commitee of Former Residents of Kotsk in Israel, Published: Tel Aviv 1961 (H, Y 424 pages)
Sefer Kosow-Galicia ha-mizrahit (Memorial book of Kosow-Kosow Huculski), Editor: G. Kressel. L. Oliczky, Former Residents of Kosow and Vicinity in Israel, Published: Tel Aviv 1964 (H, Y 430 pages)
Kowel; sefer edut ve-zikaron le-kehilatenu she-ala aleha ha-koret (Kowel; testimony and memorial book of our destroyed community), ed. Eliezer Leoni-Zopperfin, Tel Aviv 1957
Pinkas Kremenits; Sefe Zikaron, Memorial Book of Krzemieniec, Editor: Abraham Samuel Stein, Tel Aviv 1954
Kremenits, Vyshgorodek, un Potshayuv yizkor bukh, Memorial Book of Kremenets, Vyshgorodok, and Pochayiz, Editor: Falik Lerner, Buenos Aires, 1965 (478 pp, Y, Sp)