Ukr. Юзефув, Yid. יוזעפוף
Books printed in Józefów met with resistance from the state and from the rabbinical censorship. In a letter to Zamoyski, one censor called them “highly” sensitive.
Ukr. Юзефув, Yid. יוזעפוף
Books printed in Józefów met with resistance from the state and from the rabbinical censorship. In a letter to Zamoyski, one censor called them “highly” sensitive.
Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Jozefow ve-le-kedosheha (memorial book to the community od Jozefow and its martyrs), Editor: Azriel Omer-Lemer, Jozefow Societies in Israel and the USA, Published: Tel Aviv 1975 (H, Y 426 pages)
Once upon a time, a good and honest man lived in Józefów. His name was Berele. Berele was a care-taker (shammash) of Bet Ha-Midrash. Berele wasn’t an ambitious person. He didn’t demand much, nor complained much about life and its misfortunes.
Rabbi from Radzyń arrived in Józefów not without a reason. He intended to print his new work, dedicated to Halahah (the so called Judaism law), in the local printing house. Rabbi had spent in Józefów many days, when out of the blue… Engrossed in correcting and rubbing off the mistakes, he suddenly heard something that made him become all ears.
Other wonders performed in Józefów by shammash Berele