Shtetl Routes. Vestiges of Jewish cultural heritage in cross-border tourism in borderland of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine


Shtetl Routes. Vestiges of Jewish cultural heritage in cross-border tourism in borderland of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine


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Józefów Roztoczański - giudebook

Józefów Roztoczański - giudebook

Ukr. Юзефув, Yid. יוזעפוף

Books printed in Józefów met with resistance from the state and from the rabbinical censorship. In a letter to Zamoyski, one censor called them “highly” sensitive.

Hanna Krall, The Blue, in: There is No River There Anymore, Cracow 2001

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Yizkor book of Józefów

Yizkor book of Józefów

Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Jozefow ve-le-kedosheha (memorial book to the community od Jozefow and its martyrs), Editor: Azriel Omer-Lemer, Jozefow Societies in Israel and the USA, Published: Tel Aviv 1975 (H, Y 426 pages)

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It happened in 1926. (...) The old printing house that was the property of Zecer and Rener family had become an utter wreck over the years. It was believed in the town that the place was haunted. Local inhabitants suspected that demons were raving there at nights. Though by means of education superstitious beliefs in evil spirits was minimized in those days, the authorities, probably just to be on the safe side and not to cast an evil spell, decided to tear the ruins of the printing house down.  

Demons in the ruins of the printing house 

Berele Lamed-Waw-nik

Berele Lamed-Waw-nik

Once upon a time, a good and honest man lived in Józefów. His name was Berele. Berele was a care-taker (shammash) of Bet Ha-Midrash. Berele wasn’t an ambitious person. He didn’t demand much, nor complained much about life and its misfortunes.

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