Projekt "Shtetl Routes" ma na celu wsparcie rozwoju turystyki w oparciu o żydowskie dziedzictwo kulturowe pogranicza Polski, Białorusi i Ukrainy.


Projekt "Shtetl Routes" ma na celu wsparcie rozwoju turystyki w oparciu o żydowskie dziedzictwo kulturowe pogranicza Polski, Białorusi i Ukrainy.


Teatr NN

The "Seer of Lublin" and his Hasidic Court" - Guides Training Seminar

The "Seer of Lublin" and his Hasidic Court

 An Interactive, Mobile Polish – Israeli Training for Guides

Lag Baomer, Lublin, May 19-24, 2019


 The "Seer of Lublin" and his Hasidic Court" - Guides Training Seminar

• If you would like to improve your knowledge about Hasidism, especially Seer of Lublin and his students
• If you would like to improve your guiding and storytelling skills
• If you would like to visit sites most important for the history of Hasidism in eastern Poland
• If you are open to meet people from all over Poland, Israel and abroad


Join Us in the Training Seminar on Polish Hasidism, which will include:

• Study Groups Relating to "The Seer of Lublin" and His Hasidic Court: Historical and Theological Background
• Lectures of Israeli and Polish experts
• Hasidic Tales and Music
• Lag Baomer Celebration
• Study tours in: Lublin – Leżajsk – Łańcut  – Kock


Scientific coordinators: Dr Zeev Kitsis and Dr Dina Feldman








  • The Jewish Community of Warsaw. Branch in Lublin

  • Social and Cultural Association of Jews in Poland. Branch in Lublin 

  • Beit Midrash Elul





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