Шляхами штетлів. Об'єкти єврейської культурної спадщини в транскордонному туризмі

Шляхами штетлів. Об'єкти єврейської культурної спадщини в транскордонному туризмі

Театр NN

Shtetl Routes Belarus - Study tour 2020

Shtetl Routes Belarus

August 16-21, 2020

Єврейські будинки на площі 17 Сєнтября (Ринок)
Єврейські будинки на площі 17 Сєнтября (Ринок) (Фотограф: Санько, Павло)

Do you want to touch the world were once “people spoke Yiddish, prayed in Hebrew, learned Polish and talked in Belarussian with their non-Jewish neighbors”?* If so join Rootka Tours and Shtetl Routes for a 6-days study tour to Belarus. Come with us on a journey through the forgotten continent and learn more about the Jewish cultural heritage of Belarus -  one of the rarely visited countries in Europe. The program includes sightseeing of Minsk, day trips to different shtetls, meetings with survivors and local experts, lectures, cultural events and many more.


Our tour will be led by Tamara Vershitskaya -  a linguist and a Museum researcher, a founder and curator of the Jewish Resistance Museum in Novogrudok, a translator of memoirs of Holocaust survivors; an author of dozens of articles  about the Holocaust, the escape from the Novogrudok ghetto through the tunnel and the Bielski partisans; an author of the book 'Pain and Anger. Holocaust and Resitance in Novogrudok; a specialist in Jewish cultural heritage in the project 'Shtetl routes. Vestiges of Jewish cultural heritage in cross-border tourism. Poland, Belarus, Ukraine'.  


More details soon!




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